Automate Mesh to Solid Conversion with AutoLISP

How to Automate Mesh to Solid Conversion with AutoLISP: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Automate Mesh to Solid Conversion with AutoLISP
  1. Disable Command Dialog Boxes:

    To prevent the command dialog boxes from popping up and interrupting the automation process, you need to reset the CMDDIA system variable to 0. This will make the commands run in the command line instead of opening a dialog box. To do this, use the following code: (command "CMDDIA" 0)
  2. Execute Mesh to Solid Command:

    To convert a mesh object to a solid object, you need to use the AMCONVERTMESH command. This command allows you to specify various options for the conversion, such as the type of entity, the deletion of the original mesh, etc. To use this command with the given parameters, use the following code: (command "AMCONVERTMESH" (entlast) "" "3dSolid" "None" "No" "No" "No") This code will convert the last entity in the drawing, which should be the mesh object, to a 3D solid entity, without face normals conversion, no deletion of the original mesh, no grouping by a layer, not filling mesh holes, and without fixing the mesh geometry.
  3. Import Mesh File:

    To import a mesh file from an external source, you need to use the AMIMPORTMESH command. This command allows you to specify the file name and the type of AutoCAD entity to create. To use this command with the given file name and entity type, use the following code: (command "AMIMPORTMESH" "C:\work\mesh.obj" "polyfacemesh") This code will import the Wavefront OBJ mesh file from the specified location and create a polyface mesh entity in the DWG drawing.
  4. Export 3D Model to Mesh File:

    To export a solid object to a mesh file format, you need to use the AMEXPORTMESH command. This command allows you to specify the file name and the format of the mesh file. To use this command with the given file name and format, use the following code: (command "AMEXPORTMESH" (entlast) "" "C:\work\solid.skp") This code will export the last entity in the DWG drawing, which should be the solid object, to a mesh file with the specified name and SKP file format.
  5. Enable Dialog Boxes:

    To restore the command dialog boxes for future use, you need to revert the CMDDIA system variable to 1. This will make the commands open a dialog box instead of running in the command line. To do this, use the following code: (command "CMDDIA" 1)

Meshes to Solids with AutoLISP: Conclusion

In conclusion, by following these steps, you can automate the process of converting DWG drawings meshes to 3d solids using AutoLISP in Autodesk's AutoCAD. This can save you time and effort, and allow you to work with different types of 3D models. Happy coding!