How to Change 3D Model Units in STEP / IGES Files: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Install Autoconverter Software:
- To install Autoconverter software, you need to download the setup file from the product page on this website.
- Run the installer file and follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process.
- After the installation, you should see a new shortcut for Autoconverter in the Windows Start menu.
Start Autoconverter Software:
- To start Autoconverter software, you can either click on the shortcut from the Windows Start menu or find the program EXE file in the %ProgramFiles%\Automapki\Autoconverter folder and double-click on it.
- You should see the main window of Autoconverter with a ribbon bar, a file menu, a properties manager panel, and a 3D viewer.
Import Your STEP or IGES File:
- To import your STEP or IGES file into Autoconverter, you can either use the file menu or the ribbon bar button.
- From the file menu, select Open... and browse to the location of your STEP or IGES file. Alternatively, you can click on the Open... button on the ribbon bar and do the same.
- Once you select your file, click on Open and wait for the file to be imported. You should see your STEP or IGES model in the 3D viewer.
Change 3D Model Units:
- To change the 3D model units, you need to use the properties manager window, which is located on the right side of the main window.
- In the properties manager window, you should see a list of properties for your 3D model, such as mesh statistics, bounding box, color, material, etc.
- To change the units, scroll down to the Units property and click on the drop-down menu next to it. You should see a list of available units, such as inches, feet, meters, etc.
Export Your Modified Model:
- To export your modified model, you can either use the file menu or the ribbon bar button.
- From the file menu, select Save As... and choose the file format that you want to export your model to. Alternatively, you can click on the Save As... button on the main ribbon bar and do the same.
- You should see a list of supported file formats, such as STEP, IGES, SKP, 3DM, etc. Select the file format that you want and click on Save.
Change Units in STEP Files: Conclusion
In conclusion, Autoconverter is a powerful tool for editing 3D model files. By following these steps, you can easily import, change units, modify, and export your STEP and IGES solid models. Remember to always save your work and happy modeling!