How to Add WMS GIS Layer to ZWCAD Drawing

How to Add WMS GIS Layer to ZWCAD Drawing: Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Download and Install Automapki Application:Add WMS layers to BricsCAD, AutoCAD and ZWCAD

    You can download our Automapki Application from the product page on this website. Once downloaded, follow the installation instructions to install this application and integrate it with ZWCAD on your system.
  2. Start a New ZWCAD Session:Step 2: Start a New ZWCAD Session

    Launch ZWCAD and start a new DWG drawing editing session. Automapki add-on should load automatically and its main toolbar with all the mapping commands should be ready to use.
  3. Specify Your Base Coordinate System:Step 3: Specify Your Base Coordinate System

    Use the AMSETCOORDSYS custom command or press the Init Coord Sys toolbar button to specify your base coordinate system. This will help you align your map tiles with your DWG drawing.
  4. Add a New WMS Layer:Step 4: Add a New WMS Layer

    Use the AMWMSLAYERS command or click on the Manage WMS Layers toolbar button to add a new WMS layer to the maps browser. This will allow you to access the map tiles you want to use as a background.
  5. Execute AMSHOWBROWSER Command:Step 5: Execute AMSHOWBROWSER Command

    Use the AMSHOWBROWSER command or select the Show Browser menu item to make the maps browser panel visible. This will allow you to enable and display the WMS layer configured in the previous step.

    Use the AMINSERTTILEIMAGES command or press the Insert Tile Images toolbar button to download and insert the map tiles as a background for your working area. This will create a raster image of the map tiles that covers your DWG drawing area.

Add WMS Layer to ZWCAD: Conclusion

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully set up and use our Automapki Application with ZWCAD. Remember, it extends the mapping functionality beyond ZWSOFT's ZWCAD, as BricsCAD and AutoCAD editors are also supported. Happy mapping!