STEP File Converter to Mesh File Formats

How to Convert STEP File to Mesh File Formats with Autoconverter: Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Download and Install Autoconverter:Convert STEP to STL file with Autoconverter

    Go to the Autoconverter product page and click on the Get Now button to get the latest version of our STEP files converter. After the installation is complete, you will see a new shortcut added to the Windows Start menu for launching Autoconverter.
  2. Import Your STEP File:Step 2: Import Your STEP File

    Launch Autoconverter from the Windows Start menu by double-clicking on its shortcut icon. Next, click on the Open... toolbar button to import your STEP file into the Autoconverter document.
  3. Export to SketchUp SKP File:Step 3: Export to SketchUp SKP File

    Click on the Save As... item from the file menu to export your STEP model to a SketchUp SKP file. In the save file dialog, enter a name and a location for the SKP file and click on the Save button.
  4. Save as Wavefront OBJ File:Step 4: Save as Wavefront OBJ File

    Click on the Save As... toolbar button to save your STEP file as a Wavefront OBJ file. In the save file dialog, enter a name with the OBJ file extension and click on the Save button.
  5. Convert to Other 3D Mesh Formats:Step 5: Convert to Other 3D Mesh Formats

    You can repeat the same process as in Step 3 and Step 4 to convert your STEP file to other 3D mesh file formats, such as STL, 3DS, 3DM, and others.

Convert STEP Files: Concluding Remarks

This guide provides a straightforward process for converting STEP files to various 3D formats using our Autoconverter. Remember, the free version has a limit of 10 file conversions. Enjoy exploring the capabilities of this tool!