Convert 3D Mesh Files in the Batch Mode

How to Convert 3D Mesh Files in the Batch Mode: Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Install and Launch Autoconverter:Step 1: Install and Launch Autoconverter

    First, you need to download and install our Autoconverter batch converter. Follow the installation instructions to install it on your Windows computer. Once installed you can launch it from the Windows Start menu.
  2. Start Batch Conversion:Step 2: Start Batch Conversion

    Click on the Batch Convert… item from the file menu to open the batch conversion dialog box.
  3. Add Input Folders and Files:Step 3: Add Input Folders and Files

    Press the Add Folder... button to add the input folder that contains your 3D files such as STEP, IGES, BREP, 3DS, OFF, STL, OBJ, PLY, 3DM, DAE, VRML, IFC, DXF, FBX, 3MF, X3D, U3D, IDTF, SKP, X, M3D, GLTF, BLEND, LWO, LWS, AMF, TER, HMP, COB, AC, ASE, B3D, BVH, CSM, OGEX, RAW, JSON, USD, and XGL. Press Add File... to add a single file to the list. You can also drag and drop your file or folder into the source files list control to add it to the list.
  4. Recursive Conversion:Step 4: Recursive Conversion

    Check the Recursive checkbox to enable scanning and converting files in subfolders as well.
  5. Specify Output Format:Step 5: Specify Output Format

    Specify the desired file format you want to convert your files to, such as STEP, IGES, BREP, STL, OFF, OBJ, 3DS, IV, PLY, VRML, 3DM, DXF, DAE, SKP, FBX, 3MF, X3D, U3D, IDTF, SAT, X, M3D, JSON, USD, or GLTF.
  6. Start Batch Conversion:Step 6: Start Batch Conversion

    Click on the Start button to initiate the batch conversion process for your 3D mesh files. You can track the batch conversion process and files already processed in the converted files list control. To stop and cancel the batch conversion press the Stop button.

Convert Mesh Files in Batch: Concluding Remarks

By following these steps, you can efficiently convert multiple 3D mesh files to your desired format using Autoconverter. This tool simplifies the process of managing and converting 3D files, making it a valuable asset for your projects. Ensure you regularly check for software updates to maintain optimal performance and compatibility. Happy batching!