How to Import KML Google Earth Map File into AutoCAD: Step-by-Step Tutorial
Access the Power of Automapki:
Begin by downloading and installing the free evaluation version of our Automapki Application for AutoCAD, BricsCAD, and ZWCAD.Execute Map Import Command:
Launch AutoCAD and either type AmImportMap into the command window or simply click on the Import Map button located in the application ribbon bat.Choose Coordinate Reference System:
Choose a coordinate reference system for your DWG drawing from a comprehensive list of over 3000 systems that are available by default.Select KML Map File:
Select your input KML map file that you wish to import into the current AutoCAD drawing model space.Import of KML Placemarks:
Press the Open button to start importing all Google Earth KML placemarks, including point, line string, and polygon geometries, into your DWG map.Support for Compressed KMZ Files:
Note that Automapki application goes beyond standard KML imports, offering support for the import of compressed KMZ (Google Earth Placemark) map files too.
Import KML / KMZ Files to AutoCAD: Conclusion
In conclusion, our Automapki Application provides a straightforward and efficient method for importing KML and KMZ map files into AutoCAD. This process allows for a seamless integration of Google Earth placemarks into your DWG maps, enhancing your ability to create detailed and accurate representations. Happy mapping!