Import KML Google Earth Map into DWG AutoCAD

How to Import KML Google Earth Map File into AutoCAD: Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Access the Power of Automapki:Import Google Earth KML to AutoCAD & export to ESRI SHP

    Begin by downloading and installing the free evaluation version of our Automapki Application for AutoCAD, BricsCAD, and ZWCAD.
  2. Execute Map Import Command:Step 2: Execute Map Import Command

    Launch AutoCAD and either type AmImportMap into the command window or simply click on the Import Map button located in the application ribbon bat.
  3. Choose Coordinate Reference System:Step 3: Choose Coordinate Reference System

    Choose a coordinate reference system for your DWG drawing from a comprehensive list of over 3000 systems that are available by default.
  4. Select KML Map File:Step 4: Select KML Map File

    Select your input KML map file that you wish to import into the current AutoCAD drawing model space.
  5. Import of KML Placemarks:Step 5: Import of KML Placemarks

    Press the Open button to start importing all Google Earth KML placemarks, including point, line string, and polygon geometries, into your DWG map.
  6. Support for Compressed KMZ Files:Step 6: Support for Compressed KMZ Files

    Note that Automapki application goes beyond standard KML imports, offering support for the import of compressed KMZ (Google Earth Placemark) map files too.

Import KML / KMZ Files to AutoCAD: Conclusion

In conclusion, our Automapki Application provides a straightforward and efficient method for importing KML and KMZ map files into AutoCAD. This process allows for a seamless integration of Google Earth placemarks into your DWG maps, enhancing your ability to create detailed and accurate representations. Happy mapping!