Convert 3MF to IGES Files

Convert 3MF to IGES

3MF to IGES Conversion

Here is a list of valuable resources, filled with step-by-step instructions and expert tips for converting 3MF files to IGES format with our converters. Dive in now to make your 3MF files conversion easier later.

3MF 3D Manufacturing File

An open-source XML file format that was created by the 3MF Consortium, a group of companies and organizations involved in the 3D printing industry. Unlike the older STL format, which only stores the geometry of 3D models, 3MF can also store additional information, such as:

  • Color: 3MF can define the color of each triangle in a 3D model, allowing for more realistic and detailed prints.
  • Transparency: 3MF can specify the opacity of each triangle or vertex in a 3D model, enabling the creation of transparent or translucent objects.
  • Texture: 3MF can associate a 2D image with a 3D model, and map the image coordinates to the model coordinates, resulting in textured prints.
  • Metadata: 3MF can include custom data such as author, title, description, or license for each 3D model, facilitating the sharing and management of 3D files.

3MF File Converters: Our products, Autoconverter and Automesher Application, are compatible with 3MF. To import and export 3MF files they utilize the official lib3mf library. However, there is one limitation that you should be aware of: 3MF does not support group hierarchies, which are used to organize 3D models into hierarchical subgroups. Therefore, if you have a 3D model that contains group hierarchies, you will lose them when you convert it to 3MF.

IGS Initial Graphics Exchange File

A file format widely used in the fields of CAD (Computer-Aided Design), CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing), and CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering), as it enables to transfer of 3D models and designs across different platforms and applications. It has the following features:

  • Text Format: IGES uses a text format to store geometry data, which means it can be easily readable and editable. However, this also means that IGES files can become very large when exporting complex shapes or meshes with many faces.
  • Color Support: The IGES format supports color per assembly, enhancing the visual appeal of your 3D designs.
  • Transparency Settings: One limitation of the IGES format is the absence of an alpha component. This means that any transparency settings in your 3D design will be lost when saved in the IGES format.

IGES File Converters: Autoconverter supports IGES format for reading and writing, however it can only work with triangulated mesh geometry. If you need to preserve smooth IGES surfaces you should use Autoshaper instead. Our software employs the Open Cascade framework, providing full support for the most recent IGES specifications.

3MF vs IGES Comparison

Property 3MF IGES
Extensions .3mf .igs, .iges
Name 3D Manufacturing Format Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
Geometry components