Convert AMF Files to 3MF

Convert AMF to 3MF

AMF to 3MF Conversion

We present a list of valuable resources, featuring comprehensive guides and expert tips for converting AMF files to 3MF format using our converters. Browse them now for an effortless AMF files conversion later.

AMF vs 3MF Comparison

Property AMF 3MF
Extensions .amf .3mf
Name Additive Manufacturing File 3D Manufacturing Format
Geometry components

AMF Additive Manufacturing File

A file format that is used for 3D printing and additive manufacturing. It is a new standard that aims to improve the quality and efficiency of the 3D printing process. Here are some of the key features and benefits of AMF:

  • AMF File Features: One of the main features of the AMF file format is that it supports color, materials, and texture images. This means that the 3D printed object can have more realistic and detailed appearance. Another feature of the AMF file format is that it allows the reuse of geometry component instances. This means that the same part of the 3D design can be replicated multiple times, without increasing the file size. This can save time and resources in the 3D printing process.
  • AMF File Compression: Another advantage of the AMF file format is that it can be compressed using the ZIP compression algorithm. This can reduce the file size significantly, making it easier to transfer and store. The compression does not affect the quality or accuracy of the 3D design, as the AMF file format preserves the original data.

AMF File Converters: Autoconverter and Automesher Application can only import and convert AMF files to other 3D formats, such as 3MF, STL, SKP, OBJ, DAE, and many others. We use the open asset import library, which is a cross-platform library that supports many 3D file formats. By using this library, we can ensure the compatibility and functionality of the AMF files.

3MF 3D Manufacturing File

An open-source XML file format that was created by the 3MF Consortium, a group of companies and organizations involved in the 3D printing industry. Unlike the older STL format, which only stores the geometry of 3D models, 3MF can also store additional information, such as:

  • Color: 3MF can define the color of each triangle in a 3D model, allowing for more realistic and detailed prints.
  • Transparency: 3MF can specify the opacity of each triangle or vertex in a 3D model, enabling the creation of transparent or translucent objects.
  • Texture: 3MF can associate a 2D image with a 3D model, and map the image coordinates to the model coordinates, resulting in textured prints.
  • Metadata: 3MF can include custom data such as author, title, description, or license for each 3D model, facilitating the sharing and management of 3D files.

3MF File Converters: Our products, Autoconverter and Automesher Application, are compatible with 3MF. To import and export 3MF files they utilize the official lib3mf library. However, there is one limitation that you should be aware of: 3MF does not support group hierarchies, which are used to organize 3D models into hierarchical subgroups. Therefore, if you have a 3D model that contains group hierarchies, you will lose them when you convert it to 3MF.