Convert COB to X Files

Convert COB to X

COB to X Conversion

This list offers valuable resources, filled with step-by-step instructions and expert tips for converting COB files to X format using our converters. Investigate them now to facilitate your COB files conversion later.

COB Caligari TrueSpace Object File

A file format for storing 3D objects that was created by the Caligari Corporation. It is used by their software, TrueSpace, which is a 3D modeling and animation program. Here are some of the key features and benefits of COB:

  • COB File Formats: There are two types of COB files:
    • ASCII: COB files are human-readable and can be edited with just a text editor.
    • Binary: COB files are machine-readable only but they are more compact and efficient.
  • COB File Import: Autoconverter and Automesher Application can import COB files and convert them to other 3D formats, such as STEP, SAT, FBX, SKP, OBJ, and others. We use the open asset import library, which is a cross-platform library that supports many 3D file formats. By using this library, we can preserve the original features of the COB file, such as the materials, textures, UV coordinates, and other properties.

X Direct3D File

The original interchange format for DirectX technology, developed by Microsoft in 1995 alongside the release of Windows 95. DirectX is a collection of APIs that enable high-performance graphics and multimedia applications. The X file format can store mesh geometry along with material information, such as texture images. Here are some of the key features and benefits of X:

  • Compatibility with DirectX: X is fully compatible with DirectX technology, which means you can use X files to create and render 3D models and scenes with DirectX APIs. You can also use X files to exchange data between different DirectX applications, such as games, simulations, or animations.
  • X File Converters: Autoconverter and Automesher Application software allow you to effortlessly convert X files into your native 3D modeling environment. You can choose from various formats, such as STL, OBJ, 3DM, SKP, STEP, and others.
  • Reverse Conversion: Additionally, our X file converters support reverse conversion, enabling you to convert your native files into the X file format. This allows you to use your 3D models in DirectX applications, or to share them with other users who use DirectX technology.

COB vs X Comparison

Property COB X
Extensions .cob, .scn .x
Name Caligari TrueSpace Object DirectX 3D
Geometry components