Convert PLY to X Files

Convert PLY to X

PLY to X Conversion

We’ve compiled a list of valuable resources, brimming with step-by-step guides and expert tips for converting PLY files to X format using our converters. Go through them now to simplify your PLY files conversion later.

PLY Polygon File

A file format specifically designed to store three-dimensional triangles along with additional properties such as color, normals, transparency, or texture coordinates. PLY is also known as the Stanford Triangle Format, as it was developed at Stanford University in the early 1990s. PLY has many applications and benefits for 3D graphics, such as:

  • Rich and Customizable Data: PLY is a comprehensive and flexible format for 3D triangles, as it can store not only the geometric information of the triangles, but also the material and appearance information of the vertices and faces. PLY also allows for the definition of custom properties and elements, which can be used to store any additional data that is relevant to the 3D model.
  • Binary and ASCII Formats: It’s worth noting that PLY files can be saved in either binary or ASCII text formats. The binary version is generally preferred due to its significant reduction in file size and faster loading speed. However, the ASCII version is more human-readable and easier to edit. Our PLY file converter can handle both formats and convert between them.

PLY Files Converter: Autoconverter allows you to convert your 3D models from various file formats, such as STL, SKP, OBJ, DAE, 3DS, STEP, and others, to PLY and vice versa.

X Direct3D File

The original interchange format for DirectX technology, developed by Microsoft in 1995 alongside the release of Windows 95. DirectX is a collection of APIs that enable high-performance graphics and multimedia applications. The X file format can store mesh geometry along with material information, such as texture images. Here are some of the key features and benefits of X:

  • Compatibility with DirectX: X is fully compatible with DirectX technology, which means you can use X files to create and render 3D models and scenes with DirectX APIs. You can also use X files to exchange data between different DirectX applications, such as games, simulations, or animations.
  • X File Converters: Autoconverter and Automesher Application software allow you to effortlessly convert X files into your native 3D modeling environment. You can choose from various formats, such as STL, OBJ, 3DM, SKP, STEP, and others.
  • Reverse Conversion: Additionally, our X file converters support reverse conversion, enabling you to convert your native files into the X file format. This allows you to use your 3D models in DirectX applications, or to share them with other users who use DirectX technology.

PLY vs X Comparison

Property PLY X
Extensions .ply .x
Name Stanford Polygon DirectX 3D
Geometry components