Convert RAW to DAE Files

Convert RAW to DAE

RAW to DAE Conversion

This list contains valuable resources, filled with step-by-step instructions and expert tips for converting RAW files to DAE format using our converters. Explore them now to expedite your RAW files conversion later.

RAW POV-Ray Triangles File

A simple ASCII file format that solely stores a list of triangle vertices without any additional material or topological data. Triangle meshes are a common way of representing 3D models and shapes, using a collection of triangles to approximate the surface of the object. Here are some of the key features and benefits of RAW:

  • Simplicity and Speed: RAW is a minimal and efficient format for triangle meshes, as it only contains the essential information needed to define the shape of the object. This means that RAW files are easy to create, read, and process, without any unnecessary overhead or complexity. RAW files are also small in size, which makes them suitable for fast transmission and storage.
  • RAW File Converters: Automesher Application and Autoconverter software can read and import RAW files, thanks to the open asset import library. This allows you to convert your triangle RAW files to other file formats, such as STL, OBJ, DAE, SKP, STEP, and more.
  • Limitations and Future Support: However, the functionality to save and export to this simple triangle RAW file format is currently not supported. This means that you cannot use our RAW file converters to export RAW files from other formats. If you require this feature, please consider submitting a support request. We are always working to improve our software and add new features and functionalities.

DAE Collada File

The primary file format that allows you to transfer digital assets such as materials, mesh geometries, and 3D scene nodes hierarchy between different 3D software applications. DAE has several advantages over other formats, such as:

  • Reusable Geometry Components: You can store and reuse geometry instances that are referenced by multiple objects in your DAE scene, saving memory and disk space.
  • Multiple Texture Images and Coordinates: You can assign different texture images and texture coordinates to each face of your DAE model, creating complex and realistic materials.
  • Color Transparency and Named Groups: You can control the opacity and color of your mesh, as well as organize your DAE objects into named groups for easy selection and manipulation.

DAE Files Conversion: You can use our Autoconverter and Autoshaper software to easily process and convert your DAE files. They utilize the OpenCOLLADA framework that supports the latest COLLADA specifications.

RAW vs DAE Comparison

Property RAW DAE
Extensions .raw .dae
Name POV-Ray Triangles Collada Digital Asset Exchange
Geometry components