Convert 3DM to 3DS Files

Convert 3DM to 3DS

3DM to 3DS Conversion

Here is a list of valuable resources, complete with step-by-step instructions and expert advice for converting 3DM files to 3DS format using our converters. Check them out now to expedite your 3DM files conversion later.

3DM Rhinoceros 3D File

The native file format for Rhinoceros 3D software. Used for various purposes like product design, architecture, and engineering. It has the following features:

  • Geometry Data Types: 3DM allows for the storage of a variety of 3D geometry data types, including smooth NURBS surfaces, triangular meshes, points, and curves. Each data type has its own advantages and applications in 3D modeling.
  • 3DM File Converters: Our software products allow you to import and export 3DM files, and convert them into various other file formats. Autoconverter can export only polygonal meshes, while Autoshaper can export NURBS shapes, which are more accurate and smooth.
  • Flexibility in File Versions: These invaluable 3DM file converters also offer the flexibility to save Rhino files in various 3DM file versions, ranging from Rhino 2.X to the most recent Rhino 8.X version. This feature enhances the versatility and applicability of 3DM in different software environments.

3DS 3D Studio File

A widely recognized format used for storing polygonal mesh models. It has gained popularity due to its extensive feature set and compatibility with various software, such as:

  • Extensive Support: The 3DS format supports a variety of features including model names, reusable geometry component instances, materials with transparent colors, and texture images.
  • Compatibility: You can import and export 3DS models to and from many software applications, such as DIALux, which is used for lighting design.
  • Legacy Constraints: Due to its legacy constraints, 3DS model names are limited to 8 characters. Additionally, a single 3DS mesh object can only contain up to 32,767 triangles.

3DS File Converters: To overcome legacy limitations and convert any mesh into 3DS format, you can use our Autoconverter and Automesher Application. They will automatically split your models into smaller shells to accommodate the triangles limit, and convert them to the 3DS format.

3DM vs 3DS Comparison

Property 3DM 3DS
Extensions .3dm .3ds
Name Rhinoceros 3D Model 3D-Studio File Format
  • Min: Rhino 2.x
  • Max: Rhino 8.x
Geometry components