Convert OBJ to USD Files

Convert OBJ to USD

OBJ to USD Conversion

We present a list of valuable resources, featuring comprehensive guides and expert tips for converting OBJ files to USD format using our converters. Browse them now for an effortless OBJ files conversion later.

OBJ Alias Wavefront Object File

A text-based file format that is extensively used for 3D geometry objects across a variety of 3D software programs. Some of the benefits and features of OBJ files are:

  • Named Group Objects: OBJ files can store multiple objects with different names in a single file, which can be useful for organizing complex 3D scenes.
  • Surface Materials: The OBJ file format supports surface materials with transparent colors and texture images, providing more realistic and detailed 3D models.
  • Geometry Primitives: OBJ files can store geometry primitives in the form of quads or triangles. However, during the OBJ file conversion using our Autoconverter software, any quad primitives will be simplified into two triangles, as only triangular facets are supported.
  • OBJ File Size: Due to its textual format, OBJ files tend to have larger sizes compared to binary file formats like 3DS (3D Studio) or SKP (SketchUp). This means that OBJ files may take longer to load or transfer, and may require more storage space.

USD Universal Scene Description

Developed by Pixar, is a robust framework for the interchange and collaborative editing of 3D graphics data. It has become essential in the computer graphics industry due to its comprehensive ecosystem that supports large-scale projects.

  • Modularity and Composability: Manage complex USD scenes by composing separate files, allowing different teams to work simultaneously. This enhances collaboration and reduces the risk of conflicts, enabling efficient workflow management in large projects.
  • Cross-Platform/Application: Ensures USD data fidelity across different software and platforms, facilitating seamless collaboration in diverse environments. This interoperability reduces the need for data conversion and minimizes errors during transfers.
  • Hierarchical Structure: USD files Organize data intuitively, making navigation and manipulation of complex scenes straightforward. This structure simplifies the management of intricate details and relationships within a scene.

USD File Converters: Our Autoconverter and Automesher Application software utilize the best-in-class OpenUSD framework for handling USD, USDA, USDC, and USDZ files, ensuring seamless and efficient management of 3D data. With OpenUSD's robust features and unparalleled performance, Autoconverter guarantees high-quality conversion, interoperability across platforms, and streamlined workflows for all your 3D content needs.

OBJ vs USD Comparison

Property OBJ USD
Extensions .obj .usd, .usda, .usdc, .usdz
Name Alias Wavefront Object Universal Scene Description
Geometry components