Convert RAW to KML Maps

Convert RAW to KML

RAW to KML Conversion

We’ve gathered a list of valuable resources, featuring comprehensive guides and expert advice for converting RAW files to KML format using our converters. Study them now to make your RAW files conversion easier later.

RAW POV-Ray Triangles File

A simple ASCII file format that solely stores a list of triangle vertices without any additional material or topological data. Triangle meshes are a common way of representing 3D models and shapes, using a collection of triangles to approximate the surface of the object. Here are some of the key features and benefits of RAW:

  • Simplicity and Speed: RAW is a minimal and efficient format for triangle meshes, as it only contains the essential information needed to define the shape of the object. This means that RAW files are easy to create, read, and process, without any unnecessary overhead or complexity. RAW files are also small in size, which makes them suitable for fast transmission and storage.
  • RAW File Converters: Automesher Application and Autoconverter software can read and import RAW files, thanks to the open asset import library. This allows you to convert your triangle RAW files to other file formats, such as STL, OBJ, DAE, SKP, STEP, and more.
  • Limitations and Future Support: However, the functionality to save and export to this simple triangle RAW file format is currently not supported. This means that you cannot use our RAW file converters to export RAW files from other formats. If you require this feature, please consider submitting a support request. We are always working to improve our software and add new features and functionalities.

KML Keyhole Markup Language File

A file format that enables you to store and share geographical data with Google Earth and Google Earth Pro. Some of the benefits and features of KML files are:

  • XML Format: KML files use XML to store point, line string, polygon, and Collada DAE model geometry, which can be easily edited and customized.
  • Interoperability: KML files can be viewed and manipulated by various applications and software, such as Google Earth, Google Maps, ArcGIS, QGIS, and more.

KML Files Converter: KML files can be imported and exported by our Automapki Application, which is compatible with AutoCAD, BricsCAD, and ZWCAD. This application allows you to convert your DWG entities, such as point, polygon, curve, mesh, 3D solid, and raster image, to KML files, and vice versa.

RAW vs KML Comparison

Property RAW KML
Extensions .raw .kml
Name POV-Ray Triangles Keyhole Markup Language
Geometry components