Convert STL to KML Maps

Convert STL to KML

STL to KML Conversion

The list below offers valuable resources, featuring comprehensive guides and expert tips for converting STL files to KML format using our converters. Start exploring now to facilitate your STL files conversion later.

STL STereoLithography File

A file format that was developed by 3D Systems, a global leader in the 3D printing industry. It is primarily used for storing 3D models and exclusively contains triangular mesh data. Some of the benefits and features of STL files are:

  • Simplicity: STL files are easy to create and read by many software applications and 3D printers, as they only contain the coordinates of the vertices and the normal vectors of the triangles.
  • Lack of Additional Information: STL files do not include information on face color, texture, transparency, and named groups. This means that all STL models are effectively colorless in their raw form.
  • Binary and ASCII STL Formats: STL files can be saved in either binary or ASCII text formats. The binary format is generally preferred due to its significant reduction in file size compared to the ASCII format.
  • Units of Measurement: The coordinates in STL files are always defined in millimeters. If necessary, our STL converter will perform the required units conversion.

STL Files Converter: While it is technically possible to assign RGB color values to individual vertices in an STL file, it’s important to note that not all software, including our Autoconverter, currently supports this extension.

KML Keyhole Markup Language File

A file format that enables you to store and share geographical data with Google Earth and Google Earth Pro. Some of the benefits and features of KML files are:

  • XML Format: KML files use XML to store point, line string, polygon, and Collada DAE model geometry, which can be easily edited and customized.
  • Interoperability: KML files can be viewed and manipulated by various applications and software, such as Google Earth, Google Maps, ArcGIS, QGIS, and more.

KML Files Converter: KML files can be imported and exported by our Automapki Application, which is compatible with AutoCAD, BricsCAD, and ZWCAD. This application allows you to convert your DWG entities, such as point, polygon, curve, mesh, 3D solid, and raster image, to KML files, and vice versa.

STL vs KML Comparison

Property STL KML
Extensions .stl .kml
Name STereoLithography Keyhole Markup Language
Geometry components